Rules and manual how to do it, payment instructions



  • Štartovné uhraďte tak, aby platba prebehla do 10 dní od registrácie.
  • V prípade neuhradenia štartovného do 10 dní, bude Vaša registrácia zmazaná.
  • Štartovné je prenosné na iného pretekára.
  • Pri platbe uveďte ako variabilný symbol číslo, ktoré získate pri registrácii.
  • Pri platbe za viac pretekárov uveďte len jedno číslo a o platbe informujte organizátora e-mailom.
  • Upozorňujeme na možnosť pohodlnej platby pomocou QR kódu pre vnútroštátne prevody (platí iba pre banky v SR).


  • Payment of start fee must be paid no later than the 10 days from registration.
  • Your registration will be deleted in case of non-payment of the start fee.
  • We kindly ask you to include Reference Number, obtained in registration to every payment.
  • In case of the entry fee transferred on behalf of more than one person, provide a list of all prepaid competitors and add an exact amount paid on behalf of each shooter on the list to the e-mail. This information is essential for correct payment recording.
  • Please note the possibility of using a simple QR code for domestic transfers (applies only to banks in the Slovak Republic).

Your DANUBE CUP realization team.

Realization team of IPSC match DANUBE CUP.

We are very grateful to all people who work hard on the realization of this project in the Slovak Republic.
(c) KSSK.SK, code by Jesus.

Login Form

Login to the system
(for administration only)